Test & Tag
on time every time
or it's FREE

Includes carpenters, concreters, brick layers, painters, builders, renderers, plumbers, roof and floor tilers and plasterers
Construction site electrical safety is our core business. We have Mobile Test and Tag technicians in south east Queensland from Gympie in the north to all areas of the Sunshine Coast, Moreton bay, Brisbane, Redlands and Ipswich regional council areas in the south.
The Electrical Safety Team covers all the construction trades from the smallest Bricklaying and Painting gangs to the largest Chippy and Plastering gangs. We have many regular clients that have less than 12 items (some as low as 5) that use us for their regular Test and Tag. An inspector will not care if you only have a few items that are not tested and tagged, he can fine you.
All our team members are licensed electricians and we have over 30 combined years experience in just Test and Tag.
Our clients are provided with a computerised print out of all items tested; this log is now a requirement for entry into some construction sites.
What needs to be tested and tagged on a construction site?
The simple answer is everything that has a 240volt plug on it.
Why do I need to have my tools tested and tagged?
Testing and Tagging is a requirement under workplace health and safety. It is also a bit of preventative maintenance and cheap insurance against workplace electrical accidents. We can repair faults before they become dangerous and also keep you informed on changes to electrical safety laws that affect you.
What happens when an item fails?
Experience shows that 25% of items fail an initial test. As we are qualified electricians we will repair the faults and the item will be able to be used again. Less than 1% of items are “non repairable”, these are removed from service.
The Electrical Safety Team – We test and tag Sunshine Coast to Brisbane, it’s all we do!
If you have a business that makes a product or repairs a product, these are your Test and Tag requirements.
Timber Workshops – Cabinetmakers, Furniture Construction/Restoration
The majority of electrical articles need to be tested and tagged every 6 months.
If part of your business is the “installation” of a finished product onto a construction site, the electrical appliances will need a test and Tag every 3 months – click here for details.
Your fixed safety switches need to be tested every 12 months - click here for details.
Metal and Steel Workshops – Sheet Metal Works, Welding and Fabrication Workshops.
There is a higher risk of an electrical incident in these workplaces due to the exposure to hot surfaces from welding, exposure to sharp edges etc.
The majority of electrical articles need a Test and Tag every 6 months.
If part of your business is the “installation” of a finished product onto a construction site, the electrical appliances will need a Test and Tag every 3 months - click here for details.
Your fixed safety switches need to be tested every 12 months - click here for details.
Mechanical Workshops – Automotive, Truck and Bus Mechanics.
We see a lot of faulty tools in mechanical workshops, generally caused by being “run over”, exposure to hot engines and chemical damage (coolants and oils).
The majority of electrical articles need a Test and Tag every 6 months.
If part of your business is the “installation” of a finished product onto a construction site, the electrical appliances will need a Test and Tag every 3 months - click here for details.
Your fixed safety switches need to be tested every 12 months - click here for details.
The Electrical Safety Team – We test and tag Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast, it’s all we do!
The Workplace Health and Safety Act in Queensland and the Electrical Safety Regulation 2002 states that all electrical appliances used in a workplace must be tested and tagged by a competent person every 12 months, or connected to a safety switch. The Australian standard however recommends an annual test and tag.
Experience has shown that there are a lot of unsafe electrical appliances that are being used in these areas. They are not being removed from service because usually the business owner is not aware of potential faults and wrongly believes that the safety switch will protect them, their workers and their customers in the event of an electrical fault, this is not the case.
The only way to ensure an electrically safe work environment is for every electrical appliance to undergo regular electrical inspections.
Mobile Businesses
For mobile businesses, such as carpet cleaners and pest control, an annual test and tag of your electrical appliances is very important. While many houses now have safety switches fitted they are not regularly tested as required under the Workplace Health and Safety Act.
Schools and Child Care Centres
Test and Tag for Schools and Child Care CentresIn the case of schools, there are certain sections that are advisable to be checked on a regular basis.
Maintenance department will need a test and tag every 6 months
Student workshops will need a test and tag every 6 months
Safety switches need to be checked every 12 months
In Child Care Centres, due to the number of children potentially exposed to a faulty electrical appliance, an annual test and tag is recommended to ensure a safe environment for the children and the workers.
The Electrical Safety Team – Electrical tagging Sunshine Coast to Brisbane.